About Ann:


Last born of three siblings, she lived in two small towns growing up — one in Virginia, one in Pennsylvania. She is one of the few lucky enough to have had a happy childhood and family life. Because she was so well-rooted in what became her home town, she started to travel. A year in Sweden, two in France. She worked in Boston, New York, and Oakland. In her 30s, in the midst of her work life, she moved from working in the corporate world to working in the spiritual world. She’s a curious, associative thinker who has always been building bridges between unlikely but satisfying points, making friends wherever she went. And then, parents aging, sister’s family broken by unexpected death, she returned to her roots and her beautiful Susquehanna River Valley.

Ann Keeler Evans, Priestess, Psalmist, Peacemaker, and Poet; woman of Wisdom and Wonder, author and activist; teller of tales, Truths, and Tarot; dreamer and doer of good; wandering the world and the web, praying as she goes; delighting in awe and laughter. Prodigious reader, loves learning on her own, in a group, in class, or online. She is mostly rooted in rural central Pennsylvania — except when she’s not. Still recovering from a traumatic brain injury, remembering along the way.

Oddly, she’s very like who she started out to be. She’s just read many more books and written a few, taken many classes on both coasts, pursued degrees and taken informal classes in a wild variety of formats. She’s made friends all over the world and learned different cultures and religious traditions from the inside out. (always know and love people from different cultures, you get to enjoy so many new foods!) Values always mattered, but now she’s clear about which values matter most to her: nonviolence, Peace, women and gender, people and their well-being, our planet. She’s done being against things and is now working for the things that matter in the ways she can make a difference. Her deepest joy is helping other people do the same. She believes deeply that this is how the world changes and how we move toward Peace.